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What to Know About Relocation Services Overseas

If your company is planning on moving some employees internationally, pulling off a smooth overseas move for your team can be a challenge, but it doesn’t need to be a nightmare. 

The key is having relocation experts in your corner to handle all the complex logistics. That’s where companies like ARC Relocation come in.

We provide relocation services overseas to make employees’ overseas transitions as seamless as possible. Our team has relocated professionals to over 85 countries for major corporations and government agencies. We know all the ins and outs to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.

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How Our Relocation Services Overseas Works

The first step in our relocation services overseas is to assign your employees with a dedicated team of relocation counselors. These experienced pros will be their trusted guides throughout the entire move. We start with in-depth consultations to understand all their specific needs and concerns.

Then, our counselors custom-tailor the relocation plan for each employee’s unique situation. When moving to another country, we advise on all the key decisions — like which goods to ship, housing options in their new city, how to handle immigration paperwork, and much more. Having that personalized service gives employees peace of mind during a stressful life event.

Relocating Internationally For Corporate and Governmental Clients

Our client roster includes some of the biggest global corporations and government agencies out there. 

On the corporate side, we’ve relocated everyone from CEOs to skilled laborers around the world. With government clients like the IRS and State Department, we move customs agents wherever they’re needed at airports and seaports globally.

One thing that really helps us stand out and sets us apart from others is our mastery of international relocation regulations across 85+ countries. Our counselors are certified experts on local laws, customs duties, immigration requirements, and more. So you can be confident we’ll keep things 100% compliant, preventing costly legal issues.

Handling Paperwork

Unfortunately, the documentation involved in an overseas move is enough to give anyone a migraine. There’s immigration paperwork like visa applications to file. Tax, payroll, and financial regulations to navigate. Plus, customs requirements for clearing household goods through ports of entry.

As a part of our international moving relocation services, we take all those headache-inducing tasks off your plate. 

Our experts will acquire all the necessary docs and approvals for a hassle-free relocation. We keep your company compliant with relevant laws and keep employees happy — what could be better?

Packing Services

Obviously getting an employee’s possessions from Point A to Point B overseas is extremely critical. To ship belongings overseas, our team manages every aspect of the packing and global moving and shipping process with care.

We’ll inventory all household goods, properly crate everything for transit, and arrange pick-up at the origin residence. Your employees’ prized belongings will be efficiently transported door-to-door, thanks to our global logistics partners. We can even provide short-term storage if needed between residences.


Finding adequate housing in a brand new country is one of the biggest stressors for relocating employees. Where should they even start looking in an unfamiliar city? Our relocation counselors take the guesswork out of this key aspect.

We start by assessing your employee’s housing needs and budget based on factors like family size, desired neighborhood amenities and more. Our local experts on the ground will provide a curated list of properties that check all the boxes. 

We assist with everything from home searches to lease negotiations to mortgage assistance if they’re looking to buy.

Support and Guidance

Simply arriving in a new country isn’t the end of the relocation journey — it’s just the start of a big life adjustment. To help employees and families adapt quickly, we connect them with essential support resources.

Our destination services include language training to get them communicating confidently. Cultural experts provide insights into regional norms and etiquette. We assist with finding employment for accompanying spouses and vetting school options for kids.

With our guidance, your team won’t feel like strangers in a strange land struggling to find their footing. They’ll have the tools and local knowledge for a smooth assimilation.

Minor Details

Even small logistical elements can make a big difference in reducing relocation stress. Details like international car leasing, for example, make sure employees won’t be stuck without transportation upon arrival before buying a vehicle.

With ARC’s assistance, we coordinate all these minor yet essential services. From getting local driver’s licenses to establishing new bank accounts, we’ve got employees covered on every front. Sweating the small stuff so they don’t have to.

Immigration and Tax Assistance

Navigating immigration and tax regulations is one of the trickiest parts of any international relocation. The rules get extraordinarily complex when you factor in details like:

  • Immigration status and work authorization requirements
  • Income tax implications across multiple countries
  • Social Security contribution laws
  • Tax equalization policies and more

It’s enough to make your head spin! Luckily, our relocation experts are fluent in relevant immigration and tax protocols worldwide. We ensure full compliance by handling visa applications, properly filing tax documents, and setting up legal payroll solutions.

Your employees can focus on their jobs while we sweat the legal complexities behind the scenes. With ARC managing immigration and taxes, you’ll avoid costly penalties, delays, or being denied entry entirely.

Cultural and Language Learning Services

Speaking the native language and understanding cultural norms are game-changers for employees maximizing their overseas success — professionally and personally. The right cross-cultural training allows them to talk fluently, behave appropriately in social settings, build meaningful connections, and gain a true appreciation of their new surroundings.

Our cultural and language learning services provide detailed classroom instruction. Families participate in hands-on activities exploring local history, food, arts, music, and more together. With that type of holistic learning approach, employees and loved ones return as global citizens enriched by their international experience.

Partner Assistance Programs

For married employees, their spouse’s career and quality of life carry just as much weight in the relocation decision. You want to avoid a situation where the transition goes smoothly work-wise but takes a big toll on the family.

That’s why we offer tailored partner assistance programs as part of the relocation package. These services help accompanying spouses maintain their own professional development, build community connections, and achieve personal fulfillment.

Spouse job search assistance identifies employment opportunities matching their skills and background. We locate language classes, coordinate networking events, research continued education options and more. Family coaches provide emotional guidance on the unique challenges of foreign assimilation.

With a full spectrum of partner support, you’ll increase the chances of long-term assignment success and retention for relocating employees. Keeping the entire family unit thriving is key.

Relocation Services Overseas: FAQs

What’s the approximate timeline for international relocations?

Most moves kick off 3-6 months prior to the desired arrival date to allow enough preparation time. But for extremely complex scenarios, we recommend allowing 6-12 months lead time.

Do you only handle permanent, long-term relocations?

No, we manage all types of domestic and international assignments — short-term, long-term, and permanent transfers. Our overseas moving services are flexible for any relocation duration.

Is there any limit on supported countries or regions?

Not at all. With an established global supply chain, we move clients virtually anywhere around the world across 85 plus countries.

What happens if an employee’s possessions are lost or damaged?

We go above and beyond to properly pack and transport belongings. But in the rare event of any issues, you and your employees are fully covered through our valuation protection plans for total peace of mind.

How do you determine the most ideal candidate for an overseas transfer?

There’s no one-size-fits-all, but our counselors provide guidance on assessing an employee’s suitability based on key factors like overall flexibility, cross-cultural competency, language abilities, motivation for the role, and family circumstances. Proper vetting ensures relocations have the highest chance of success.

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Final Thoughts on Relocation Services Overseas

Relocating your valued team members overseas raises the stakes considerably. If the transition is too rocky, it can risk derailing an employee’s success, which puts your business investment in jeopardy. That’s why partnering with relocation experts you can trust is so critical.

With ARC, you’re calling in seasoned overseas relocation guides to make sure you get a seamless experience. We coordinate every last detail according to each employee’s specific needs. Your team will arrive at their destination with an effortless move behind them, ready to dive into their new roles. 

Stop stressing about relocation services overseas and let the pros handle everything.

Contact us at ARC Relocation today to begin planning your relocation overseas.

Contact ARC Today for More Expert Relocation Advice and Guidance!

Contact Info
  • Office Main Line: 703.352.9701
    Toll Free: 866.697.3561
    Fax: 703.352.9704
    Email: [email protected]