Destination Services

How we can help
At ARC, we realize that the two main commodities that we sell are our knowledge and customer service. At the same time we realize that each transferee has different needs and resources that are most effective for them. As such, the first and most important step at ARC during the relocation policy counseling is to listen. The ARC Relocation Counselor will conduct an in-depth needs analysis with the transferee and the family to understand all of the relevant factors involved to provide the necessary destination services.
Area Familiarization
Background information on the Country
Housing Area or Residence
Markets and Groceries
Local Parks and Recreational Facilities
Home Finding Assistance

The Destination Program
The Destination Program is a key component in the relocation process especially when your employees are moving to an unfamiliar area. ARC minimizes the difficulty for the transferring employee by providing the counseling, tools, resources, and services necessary for transferees and their families to make informed decisions to assist them in achieving a smooth, well-managed rental/purchase with minimum stress.
Utilizing the detailed destination needs analysis, the Relocation Counselor will find the best real estate agent to assist your transferee with all of their destination needs. Every transferee is given an “area orientation tour” in conjunction with their new home search. The area orientation tour is a valuable tool that has multiple applications as part of a relocation program. It can help familiarize the employee with the new area and understand the differences between various locations and neighborhoods in the new area.
A custom destination folder can be sent with information on the transferee’s destination with general area information, transportation, recreation, education, maps, etc.
Transferees are also sent branded materials with ARC’s contact information such as a mouse pad, luggage tags, and a pen. We realize that our clients’ transferee’s may already have some of these items, but they are meant to keep ARC and their Relocation Counselor’s contact information handy while on a home finding trip! This is done in an effort to ensure your transferees can reach us any time they need to… we are here for them 24/7/365!
Lease Negotiation
Personalized Needs Assessment
Relocation Guide to New Community
Customized Research
Realtor/Sales Associate Selection
School Assistance

The Consultant then undertakes the following pre-work and research:
- Comprehensive verbal needs analysis includes discussion of schooling types, options & priorities to devise mutually agreed strategy for the school search.
- Address pre-move queries.
- Comprehensive research of schooling options in-line with the employee’s specific requirements.
- Contacts selected schools to organize and confirm appointments.
- Prepare detailed itinerary including addresses, map references, times and descriptions for all stakeholders.
- Provides transportation and accompanies the transferee to all scheduled appointments.
- Discusses schooling options and comparisons.
- Advise and assist in providing any or all documentation to satisfy the education system.
- Assist with & confirm enrollment into the school system.