What Are Outplacement Services?

Laying off your employees is usually a difficult experience for both the employees and employers. However, having an outplacement services program can make the process of being laid off a bit more positive. Terminating your employees while using outplacement services is a step in the right direction to make your employees feel cared for and for your business to be associated with positivity.
What Is an Outplacement Service?
Outplacement services are also known as career transition services. Outplacement support are coaching programs that can help laid-off employees land their next role or new position, all while helping organizations reduce costs and protect their employer brand. Outplacement services are typically offered through a third-party provider and help drive productivity amongst employees so they can find a job position suited for them.
Why Should Your Company Offer an Outplacement Service?
Offering outplacement services to your employees helps make laying off an employee a more positive experience for not only the employee but you as well. Outplacement services will help your employees who are being laid off take a step forward into the next chapter of their lives. You are giving them a lifeline when they are uncertain and giving them something tangible to focus on. Offering outplacement services to your employees has many benefits.
Empowers Laid Off Employees
Providing outplacement services to your employees will give them the tools they need to better themselves and start a new career journey. This allows them to become hired more quickly than if outplacement was not an option.
No Cost to Your Employees
When employees get laid off, reduced income is a major concern. Luckily, outplacement services come at no cost to your employees. Employers pay for these move management services, allowing the employees to have peace of mind while using this service. The outplacement services cost can vary depending on what type of company you have and the professional level of your employees. The cost can include the amount of time spent coaching, creating a resume, and the amount of time spent brushing up the employee’s skills.
Coaching is Crucial
If you are in the difficult position of having to lay off long-term employees, likely, your employees are not very up to date on the latest job skills. They might not have ever heard of LinkedIn or may not even know how to use a computer, especially if they are older. They must learn how to use modern technology, at least the basics, before beginning a new career.
Speeds Up Job Search Process
Outplacement assistance will help speed up the process of job searching for your employees. If they need to change industries, it can be difficult and take up a lot of time. Sometimes having an outplacement plan for a longer duration of time is more effective, as it can really help your employees understand more about the new job industry they are applying to by allowing them to take the time to learn about it first.
Liability Protection
Having outplacement services can help protect your business from employees who are disgruntled or upset. Even though you will no longer be their employer, you are still taking all the necessary steps to ensure they have a smooth transition and by doing this you are avoiding any possible legal action. If your business is moving in the winter and not relocating all employees, this can be difficult for some to understand and they might be upset that they are not included in your company’s move.
Current Employees are More Productive
It is extremely important to communicate to your employees that you will be there for them, even if times become complicated. Offering outplacement services to your employees shows that you are dedicated to them and will be there for them even when they are no longer your employees.
Minimizes Survivor Anxiety
After their fellow employees get laid off, the remaining employees often deal with layoff survivor syndrome. Layoff survivor syndrome is when current employees feel guilty, angry, or anxious because they got to keep their jobs and other employees did not. This can negatively affect your employees mood while working, but having outplacement services can help prevent these feelings.
Protects Your Brand
Most employees will not want to work for a company with a bad reputation. Maintaining a positive brand will allow your company to attract the best employees when hiring for new positions. Having a positive brand is what many of those seeking jobs are searching for. Employees do not want to work at a company where they have heard employees have been laid off and the company does not help them.
Instills Necessary Job Skills into Employees
An outplacement service coach will teach your laid off employees many helpful skills.
- Networking in order to search for a job
- Prepare for interviews
- How to negotiate salaries
- How to upskill and reskill
- Creating a plan to stay on track
What Is Not Outplacement Services?
Outplacement services are not the same thing as having a personal shopper for your employees. An outplacement coach does not place the employee in a new job or apply for new jobs on behalf of the employee. An outplacement coach specializes in hiring trends and processes and will work with the employee to overcome any obstacles while searching for a new job.
Do You Prepare for Layoff Conversations?
Delivering the news to your employees that they are being laid off is a difficult conversation to have. For example, if you are moving to a new state and your company needs to lay off a handful of employees. You should practice what you would say to your employee when you need to have this tough conversation and know how you will explain to them about the outplacement services program.
How ARC Can Help
Laying off an employee can be a more positive experience for both your business and the employee because of outplacement services. ARC Relocation can help make the process of finding outplacement services simple for your company. Book a free call today to discuss outplacement services.